Take advantage of blockchain technology to help reduce global lighting electricity consumption by 50 percent (around 2,000 terawatts) by 2035, while also increasing light output by 50 percent. Terawatt will also create a deflationary currency to compete with FIAT and digital alternatives such as Bitcoin. Terawatt aims to address other renewable sectors such as Solar, Wind, Electric Vehicles after proof of concept is achieved with LED
Terawatt will create the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), and also create a highly deflationary Ethereum-based currency for global payments. DAO will be funded and used by Utility Companies, LED Sellers, Businesses, Token Holders, and Energy Customers worldwide. The DAO will act as a decentralized global mutual / insurance fund to ensure utilities (and businesses) always have access to funding (which is constantly depleted) to subsidize the sale of LEDs to their energy customers (or to increase business to LEDs).
This is a big benefit for utility companies because they want 100 percent of their customers to have energy-saving lights because of excessive excessive networks, which forces electricity companies to build (and maintain) expensive power plants (hundreds of millions of dollars) to meet demand. . They are also mandated by government agencies (ie the US Department of Energy and the US Environmental Protection Agency) to increase adoption of LEDs in their respective markets. Businesses want LEDs because they reduce electricity bills, increase light output, reduce maintenance costs, and qualify them for tax incentives. Initial costs are a problem, but Terawatt will help overcome this.
The Terawatt Token will also be used as a currency similar to an ETH in a business company or utility that will accept it as a payment method. DAO members with businesses will want to receive Terawatt tokens as payment because they will get increased voting / power tightening in DAO, and therefore far more deflation than FIAT or other cryptocurrency because of the continuous coin burning structure, which is the same as the potential for increased profitability.
Electricity companies, and other token holders, will buy DAO with our tokens, we will charge fees for entry and exit, and when they sell their positions, we take a percentage of their profits (such as mutual funds or no exchange). We will take 50-75% of this profit to buy back and burn our tokens every day (per transaction depends). With Terawatt, all people and businesses can have uninterrupted access to cheap / free LEDs that substantially reduce purchasing costs, electricity bills, improve global lighting efficiency, and in turn reduce global greenhouse emissions.
Tokens (LEDs) may or may not increase exponentially because more electricity companies (and energy / other company / buyers / customers) are aware of the benefits of using our tokens and joining the DAO (Metcalfe's Law), thus increasing demand while also reducing inventory.
Through the use of DAO, a key partnership (We are actively pursuing collaboration and partnerships with utility companies globally), deflation supply, token incentives, and greedy marketing, Terawatt aims to help place LEDs in all commercial lights, industry (street lights), buildings governments and housing / facilities around the world and efficiently increase the transition from inefficient Incandescent, Metal Halide (MH), High Pressure Sodium (HPS), and Compact Fluorescent Lighting (CFL) to 100% LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting.
Token holders will also be able to find and utilize applicable instant tax deductions, search for tax credits, and then store these purchase data securely on the network for later use in filing their taxes. Participants can buy, sell, share with masternodes (if available), vote, donate, or hold (LED) tokens, which will drive the Terawatt Ecosystem.
Expensive Currency
Bitcoin power consumption is high compared to conventional digital transactions. The Bitcoin Dollar price is directly proportional to the amount of electricity used to mine bitcoin.
The minimum amount of bitcoin energy can be used can be determined, assuming all miners use the most efficient hardware. Electricity used in bitcoin mining can support daily needs of 821,940 US homes.
Global bitcoin mining represents a minimum of 77 KWh of power per bitcoin transaction.
Comparison of Energy Usage
Teunis Brosens from ING notes that the use of bitoin every day is enough to support his home in the Netherlands for two weeks. Digiconomist estimates energy costs per transaction at 215 KWh of power, which is more than enough to run an efficient fridge / freezer for a full year, can charge two Tesla batteries, or boil 1,872 liters of water in a kettle.
The de Vries model assumes miners' incentives at a certain price level and offers predictions for future mining electricity consumption.
Our mission
Terawatt will create a DAO, and also Ethereum, private (zk-snarks) currency-based deflation for global payments. DAO will be funded and used by Utility Companies, LED Sellers, Businesses, token holders, and energy customers around the world. The DAO will act as a decentralized global mutual / insurance fund to ensure utilities (and businesses) always have access to funding (which is constantly depleted) to subsidize the sale of LEDs to their energy customers (or to increase business to LEDs).
Total Supply: 100 Million Tokens
Supply Circulating: 65 million
(supply will decrease exponentially in the s-curve mode to as low as 1 million tokens at all times).
This is because of our sustainable coin burning algorithm. Terawatt will automatically use 50-75% of the company's profits derived from DAO entry / exit fees, costs of taking profits (such as exchanges), time decay costs, carbon tax data storage costs, carbon credits, and even from affiliate LED sales commissions for buy back and burn (LED) Tokens. This is similar to BNB tokens, but they only burn every quarter, we will burn 24/7.
Utilities and other businesses will want to receive our tokens for payment because our deflation rate is far greater than all FIAT currencies and most, if not all, cryptocurrency / tokens while also being more personal and secure with zk-SNARKS and masternodes when available. Next, the more tokens they have to put in the DAO fund, the more power the voice, profits, and the prizes they can receive. This will further increase the token value due to network effects. (Metcalfe's Law)
Environmental Problems?
However, the minimum level of 77 KWh per transaction presents a problem. The 215 KWh level presents a larger, in terms of carbon emissions.
Data available at coal-fired bitcoin mines in Mongolia shows the mine is responsible for 8,000 to 13,000 kg of carbon dioxide emissions per bitcoin, and 24,000 to 40,000 kg per hour. Tweeter Matthias Bartosik recorded a similar estimate: the average European car emits 0.1191 kg of carbon dioxide per kilometer driven. For every hour, bitcoin mines emit at least a carbon dioxide equivalent with more than 203,000 kilometers of cars.
Bitcoin, to achieve a reliable and decentralized payment system, requires some expensive inefficiencies such as excessive power consumption and low transaction capacity.
More Efficient Transactions Needed
Proposed improvements to protocols such as the SegWit2x promise to increase the number of transactions. But given bitcoin is less efficient than a credit card network on a per transaction basis, bitcoin needs to be thousands of times more efficient.
Malmo asks whether bitcoin transactions must pass trusted third parties as a bit of a decentralized network.
LED Token Utility
LED incentives
Terawatt Tokens will act as a reward system for every purchase of LED bulbs that are verified by our process pending patents. This serves as an incentive for users to buy LEDs for homes, businesses, or government uses and verify them through our interface
Data storage
Records of purchasing LEDs can be stored safely in the Terawatt ecosystem. This allows the purchasing entity to return at tax time and have all other LED and Energy Star Rated Purchase records available. Users pay a small token fee to access the recording again.
Community Based Governance
Donated funds can be locked into collections, and the Global Maintenance community will choose / decide what projects are funded and how much funds will be provided or set aside for these projects.
We aim to have Masternodes when Ethereum Blockchain allows for it. Masternodes will help to better secure and decentralize the Terawatt network.
information about tokens
LED indicator
Ethereum Platform
Type ERC20
Price of PreICO ** 1 LED = 0.30 USD **
Prices in ICO 1 LED = 0.40 USD
Investment investment information
minimum of 0.2 ETH
Adopt ETH
Distributed in 65% ICO
Soft cover 500 000 US dollars
$ 13,500,000 hard cover

Project 2017, Whitepaper compiled, Patent Filed
December 2017
Team Building - Acquires CTO, COO, and Advisor
January 2018
White Paper / Website, Brand Given, Registered at KICKICO
February 2018
Present Building, the Token Presale site is being developed
June 2018
Personal sales, more development and marketing
July 2018
PreICO, DAO construction
August 2018
ICO, Token launch, wallet release, apply for exchange
October 2018
DAO testnet, Mobile Wallet, Search for Partnerships
December 2018
Online mainnet DAO, Masternode announcement
February 2019
Completely Functional User Interface Released, Mainnet improvements
April 2019
Devcon, Get More Partnerships
May 2019
Verification of Acceptance / Tax Incentives / Development of LED Tokens
July 2019
Terawatt LED Ecosystem Expansion

AUTHOR: cobaahyuk
PROFIL LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1785718
ETH: 0x952Ba6f317cdD5f5aa6655CE6eCdcEd0252a72d2
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