Stealth Crypto is a platform designed to provide a safe location to store all crypto data and transactions quickly. The word 'safe' represents the ability of the platform to make every transaction undetectable by others (unknown to others on the blockchain). This is decentralized and autonomous technology.
StealthCrypto tokens are very important for the functioning of the Stealth Cherrypto ecosystem. StealthCrypto is a functional token that will be used on platforms to access functions, products and rates. In addition, because StealthCrypto's services and products are more fluid and valuable over time, we anticipate that they can be used to balance individual portfolios. In other words, the liquidity generated by StealthCrypto can allow users to change tasks between different currencies quickly and easily.
Business model
StealthCrypto has the experience and expertise to protect your data using a new generation decentralized blockchain security technology to help survive the challenges that arise in a growing landscape of threats. Encryption of our high-performance networks for long-term data protection Quantum key generation and quantum key distribution
StealthCrypto makes cloud storage, IoT, and communication secure, and faster with StealthCrypto's patented StealthCrypto
In addition to providing more efficient transactions, StealthCrypto can also be used as a secure data storage. In the online world, data is a very important asset. Data theft is one of the main problems faced by internet users. Internet users need secure data storage media. Users need storage media that cannot be known by anyone. Current storage media controls many parts. All data and activities of internet users are always monitored by various parties (with their own interests).
Some people don't care about their data on the Internet, they assume that data is only data and nothing is lost. They will only change their perception of data when something happens, for example, when other people kidnap their social media accounts.
Lack of knowledge about data is due to lack of respect for online data. StealthCrypto increases the value of your user data through prizes. Humans tend to appreciate things when they are respected. Like data, users will enjoy their data more when others like it.
Many people start using online storage media to store important data such as company data and work files. Data like this is obviously very important because it concerns the interests of many people. However, StealthCrypto believes that all data is important. That's why this platform is instantly rewarded by sending cryptographic coins.
StealthCrypto does not store it on a centralized server, but stores it on several stand-alone servers. Every information will be stored on a different server. This is done to minimize losses due to the possibility of data theft. StealthCrypto realizes that, like other security systems, there is always a gap for hackers.
StealthCrypto realizes that all technologies created by humans always have weaknesses; Only a matter of time. StealthCrypto doesn't want to be a company that offers a brilliant concept of all the benefits of blockchain and cryptocurrency, they want more.
In addition, current data storage, telecommunications, video calling and instant messaging software are not fully guaranteed and are easily vulnerable to investigation and use by governments, companies and malicious third parties, and lack the resources and economics than might be expected. .
Progress and economy face a technological uprising. In an interconnected world, cyber security is the basis for individuals, governments, cities and companies. Today, most individuals and companies are not prepared to provide sufficient security regarding their communication. Stealth Grid intends to install variations for it.
To overcome this security crisis that looms; we need a decentralized, independent and large network of meshes that functions in all the most different device communication standards. The main cyber security solution from Stealth Grid makes decentralization, encryption and authentication faster, easier and stronger. Stealth Grid in one way or another protects data from conceding using end-to-end data encryption Stealth Crypto dynamically coated with Polymorphic Hashed Encryption Dynamically Split Geo Distributed, creating a decentralized meshed network for Stealth Crypto telecommunications, authentication and data who use proprietary AI Cyber Security.
StealthCrypto develops asymmetric secret encryption and separation schemes that provide absolute security and simplicity to independently share secret keys with anyone. True random number generator (TRNG) solves the underlying problem of all cryptosystems - the need for true randomness - to ensure that encryption keys, tokens, PIN numbers, seeds for fake RNGs and digital signatures are unique and unpredictable. Benefit from the new, new, random, encrypted, asymmetric generated code for each transaction, meaning that it securely authenticates and exchanges your chosen symmetric key. And because of random elements, StealthCrypto ™ is a quantum computer that is resistant.
Blockchain revolutionizes many businesses and markets. This has great potential for cybersecurity. Stealth Grid uses blockchain technology to develop bulletproof solutions for the B2C and B2B markets. By providing an identification of the original dynamic split encryption key, Stealth Grid ™ can prevent all types of manipulation, interceptions and "man-in-the-middle" (MITM) attacks at all levels of communication.
StealthCrypto, Quantum Key Generation, and autonomous digital digital IDs and eliminate the management and management challenges associated with certificate-based solutions. Unlike PKI, StealthCrypto is being designed to scale to the level needed for the massive deployment of characteristics of the Internet of Things and blockchain.
Without certificates to manage, StealthCrypto ™ can easily protect billions of devices. Protect data safely and quietly when using StealthCrypto dynamic separation encryption, a dynamic geographic distribution model. With a disruptive authentication algorithm using a quantum number generator from the decentralized I BE-key distribution via the blockchain - it cannot be predicted or anticipated as to what nature of the encryption system is, because it keeps changing and moving. Divided data is dynamically encrypted and stored in selected user data centers around the world.
The most in quantum security is safe for long-term data protection; guarantee safe and convincing key exchanges for encryption and other security devices on the backbone network and point-to-point storage. More and more
Malicious cyber security landscape, StealthCrypto authenticates the sender of the message, be it a person or object. By authenticating or verifying the sender of each message, StealthCrypto ensures that each and every message received is from a trusted source.
Cryptography with StealthCrypto Quantum-powered entropy engine that gives full quantum entropy (one bit of quantum entropy per bit of output) at the level needed for data centers, cloud, large-scale internet things (loT), and mobile applications. This will increase with the adoption of a decentralized Quantum mesh network that will create a quantum supercomputer.
With StealthCrypto NAS and the StealthCrypto Smart Phone model to distribute the true entropy from quantum sources to precisely seed random numbers across data centers and network devices (concepts similar to network time protocols (NTP) to ensure access to a consistent date / time).
- Cryptography • Authentication
- IBE Authentication
- Digital Identity
- Crypto currency
- Payment
- Tokenisasi
- Communication
StealthCrypto Trust Centers (TC), or NAS systems, offer true peer-to-peer communication and data storage that can be embedded on the chip and can be configured for cross-domain secure communication, between a stand-alone Trust Center or StealthCrypto Cloud NAS Server. In this way, it's socially design. The Stealth Grid products and solutions are based on the underlying thought of creating a safe eco-interaction system for consumers and business customers. Current business opportunities vary. The Stealth Grid intends to be positioned as a pioneer, global influencer, and thought leader regarding the use of blockchain for cyber security purposes.
STEALTHCRYPTO Token StealthCrypto is very important for the function of the StealthCrypto Ecosystem. StealthCrypto is a functional token that will be used on the platform to access various features, products and costs. In addition, because StealthCrypto's services and products are more fluid and valuable over time, we anticipate that they can be used to balance individual portfolios. In other words, the liquidity generated by StealthCrypto can allow users to quickly and easily transfer allocations between various currencies.
StealthCrypto Token Information
The StealthCrypto token symbol is QMN. This token, like the others, is the Ethereum ERC-20 based. The total amount of sales is set at 100,000,000 QMN. The pre-sale will be carried out on January 28, 2018 and IIC sales will be made on April 8, 2018. The QMN token price is set at 1 QMN 1 Dollar. To receive QMN, Dollar receives ETH, BTC and LTC payment channels. It is also said that it can be given as a bonus for unsold tokens. Yes, you can find more routine information below for your friends after giving brief brief information.
Say goodbye to the next introduction of ico.
StealthCrypto Token İsmi: QMN
StealthCrypto Token Price: 1 QMN = 1 US Dollar
StealthCrypto İco Payment Method: Dollars, ETH, BTC, LTC
Minimum Investment amount of Stealth Crypto: 500 US Dollars
Stealth Cherrypto Token Sales Date: 28 January - 8 April 2018
StealthCrypto Platform: Ethereum Tabanlı ERC-20
Project Location of StealthCrypto: Gibraltar
StealthCrypto Sales Target: 100,000,000 US Dollars
In the future encryption technology will become an important commodity for data security. This can be seen from the high demand for control and protection of information assets and data of companies and individuals around the world today. This use of encryption has increased. Human Error tops the list as the main threat to crucial and confidential data in a company, the next is the damage to the system and also the hackers.
The Stealth Grids Trust Center has a suite of ready-to-market, encrypted and integrated communications products that will be enabled by Stealth Crypto ™ tokens. Current market-ready products include IM, cloud storage and file sharing, email, voice, and video conferencing using Quantum's proprietary virtual security technology.
Stealth Grid builds incentive-based quantum networks that will radicalize existing infrastructure based on the blockchain.
AUTHOR: cobaahyuk
ETH: 0x952Ba6f317cdD5f5aa6655CE6eCdcEd0252a72d2
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